IR-MultiLing Bibliography
Beblavy, Miroslav, S. Domonkos, J. Drahokoupil, M. Myat, L. Kurekova (2012), ‘Linking Labor Regimes and Technological Innovations in Central and Eastern Europe. The case of Automotive and Software Industry’. NEUJOBS working papers no.6.2.
Celan (2011), Report on Language Needs in Business, CELAN Network Project report,
Contrepois, S. (2010), ‘Internationalisation des entreprises et représentation des salariés. Le cas des multinationales françaises des services dans les pays de l’Est’, Travail et Emploi , n°123, juillet-septembre, p 27-38.
Cox, Yasmin (1984), ‘The use of English in industry’, in Actes du 1er colloque du Groupe d’études sur le Plurilinguisme européen, Université des sciences humaines de Strasbourg, 1984, pp. 94-102.
ELAN (2006), Effects on the European Economy of Shortages of Foreign Language Skills in Enterprise., by SG Hagen. Brussels: European Commission, London: National Centre for Languages (CILT), December.
European Commission (2010), Europe 2020: a strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, Brussels 3.3.10 Eurobarometer (2012), Europeans and their Languages , EC DG Education and Culture, 386.
Frederiksson, R., W. Barner- Rasmussen and R. Piekkari (2006), ‘The multilingual corporation as a multinational organisation’, Corporate Communication: an international journal, 11 (4), 406-423.
Hauschildt, J. and M. Vollstedt (2002), ‘Unternehmenssprachen oder Company Language? Zur Einführung einer einheitlichen Sprache in global tätigen Unternehmen’, Zeitschrift Führung + Organisation 3, 173-183.
James, P. and Karmowska, J. (2012). ‘Accommodating difference? British trade unions and Polish migrant workers’, Journal of Workplace Rights, 15 (2): 169-189.
Jefferys, S. (2011), ‘Manufacturing and Services FDI trajectories: colonial perceptions and union opportunities in Central and Eastern Europe’, pp 45-63 in (eds).
S. Contrepois, V. Delteil, P. Dieuaide and S. Jefferys, Globalizing Employment Relations: Multinational firms and Central and Eastern Europe transitions, Palgrave. Linee (2009), Thematic Area D: Language and Economy . Area Research Report.
McAll, C., (2003), ‘Language dynamics in the Bi- and Multilingual Workplace’, pp 235-250 in Bayley, R. and Schecter, S. R. (eds.), Language Socialization in Bilingual and Multilingual Societies, Clevedon: Cromwell Press.
Meardi, G., P. Marginson, M. Fichter, M. Frybes, M. Stanojević and A. Tóth, (2009): ‘Varieties of Multinationals: Adapting Employment Practices in Central Eastern Europe, Industrial Relations,’ 48:3, 489-512.
Meardi, G. (2009), ‘A Suspended Status: ‘The Puzzle of Polish Workers in the West Midlands.’ In H. Fassmann, M. Haller and D. Lane (eds), Migration and Mobility in Europe. Cheltenham: E. Elgar, pp. 102-22.
Meardi, G., A. Martín and M. Lozano Riera, (2012): ‘Constructing Uncertainty: Unions and Migrant Labour in Construction in UK and Spain’, Journal of Industrial Relations, 54:1, 5-21.
Phillipson, R. (2003), ‘English-Only Europe? Challenging language policy.’ London: Routledge.
Sass Magdolna, Katalin Antalóczy, and Andrea Élteto (2012): ‘Emerging Multinationals and the Role of Virtual Indirect Investors. Eastern European Economics,’ vol. 50, no. 2, March –April: 41 –58.
Schecter, S. R. (eds.), ‘Language Socialization in Bilingual and Multilingual Societies,’ Clevedon: Cromwell Press.
Staples, R,. Whittall,. M and Trinczek, R. (2012), ‘The Regulation and Enforcement of Posted Workers’ Employment Rights, Report for the European Commission.’
Truchot, Claude (2008), Europe : l’enjeu linguistique, Paris : La Documentation française, collection Etudes, 2008. UCL (2012)
IR-MultiLing is funded
by the European Union’s Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion directorate-general.